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Greenhill Primary School


Welcome to Reception

Our youngest classes are named after two of our largest native trees: The Beech and the Horse Chestnut. 

Beech Class                                

The Beech is the Queen of British trees, known to represent the female spirit. She is home to a variety of rare native wildlife. Her almost translucent leaves provide the dappled green light in many an English woodland and her forked twigs have been used as diving rods for centuries.  

Beech Class are taught by Miss Worthy and supported by

Chestnut Class     

Not a native of Britain, the Horse Chestnut has become a familiar sight along the sides of roads and in the public parks of towns and cities since being introduce from Turkey in the 16th Century. The game of conkers has been played for years using its shiny, spiky cased seeds. 

Chestnut Class are taught by Mrs Sutton and supported by 

The HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assisstant) for Reception is Miss Bowles