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Greenhill Primary School

Physical Education

Physical Education at Greenhill aims to establish the fundamental skills which empower children to build the ABC’s (agility, balance and co-ordination). We value the importance of children becoming physically literate with improved confidence, determination, stamina and sportsmanship. Our PE curriculum ensures all children have the opportunity to be successful, creative and competitive by learning through both team and individual activities, in order to reach their physical potential. It also supports pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle and concepts such as fairness and respect. With continuous physical education, we believe that children will benefit and grow into well-rounded, confident individuals, providing them with many opportunities to aid their holistic growth and mental well-being.  Alongside 2 hours of PE per week, our children benefit from active break and lunchtimes, before and after school clubs and active learning in the classroom through cross-curricular teaching. From our Early Years through to Year 6, our broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum ensures accessibility for pupils of all abilities so that they are physically active for sustained periods in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives.