Financial Information
Register of staff earning £100k plus per annum 2024-25
- All local authority maintained schools are required by the DfE to publish the number of their employees, if any, whose gross annual salary exceeds £100,000, presenting this information in £10,000 bandings.
- All staff in the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (support staff). All salary levels are determined and reviewed annually by the Pay Committee of the Board of Governors.
- As at 01/09/2024 Greenhill primary School had no staff earning more than £100,000 a year.
Find further information about the school's finances here:
School need to publish time staff spend out of school on Trade Union activities. A register has been set up by Leeds City Council and you can view the data here: