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Greenhill Primary School


Equality Objectives Statement 

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The school’s general duties with regard to equality are:

  • Eliminating discrimination.
  • Fostering good relationships.
  • Advancing equality of opportunity.

We will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any staff member, pupil, prospective pupil, or other member of the school community because of their:

  • Sex.
  • Age.
  • Race.
  • Disability.
  • Religion or belief.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Gender reassignment.
  • Pregnancy or maternity.
  • Marriage and civil partnership.

We aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, with special emphasis on promoting equality and diversity, and eradicating prejudicial incidents for pupils and staff. Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination, but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity.


Prejudice is not tolerated and we are continuously working towards a more accepting and respectful environment for our school community.

In order to fulfil this, the following objectives have been set:

  • To finalise a personalised curriculum that reflects and celebrates diversity and promotes cultural development and understanding.
  • To support pupils to manage their mental health and concerns they might have about behaviour towards themselves and others, in relation to the protected characteristics.
  • To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities, race, religion and gender.
  • To ensure that there are sufficient opportunities within the school’s curriculum to address equality issues.
  • To monitor bullying and harassment of pupils and staff by race, disability, religion and gender and use this information to make a positive difference to the experience of other pupils.
  • To ensure that the school environment is as accessible as possible for all pupils, staff and visitors.
  • To allow equal access to information for all parents. 

Website Accessability Statement

 Please find below how our website meets accessability standards.

Equality policies