What should I do if I think my child has a Special Educational Need or a Disability (SEND)?
Teachers are trained to meet the needs of all the children in school. They may feel that your child needs extra support and will contact you to talk this through, however, you know your child best, and will see them in different environments and if you have any concerns your child's teacher is usually the best person to raise these with.
It can be a worrying time, but remember, many children just need a few simple changes to make a big difference.
At Greenhill, the normal process is:
- make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher
- discuss your concerns with the teacher
- if something additional and different is needed, the teacher may discuss it with the SENDCo before deciding on what is the best course of action
- your child will be added to the SEND register
- the teacher will meet with you again and discuss the plan for your child
- school will closely monitor the impact of the plan and adjust it to ensure the needs are being met
- school will keep you informed about the additional support your child is receiving